The overhead jet noise in our community is overwhelming. Help us keep the Naples community
peaceful and safe.

Why You Should Help The Cause

Unchecked Growth

  • You are not imagining things … the volume of jets flying in and out of Naples Airport has increased substantially from 8,600 jet flights per year in 1996 to an average of almost 50,000 per year since 2020.

  • In 2023, total flights (jets + prop planes) were 119,075 at Naples Airport which was 36% MORE flights than Fort Myers RSW.

  • Flights in and out of Naples Airport average less than 2 passengers per plane yet thousands below are negatively impacted by disruptive noise and pollutants.

The Problem Will Continue To Get Worse

  • Naples Airport has stated that flights could increase from 119,000 flights per year to 180,000. 50% more flights, more noise, more pollution – it is unimaginable.

  • Flights are taking off and landing often at 2 minute intervals during season.

Health And Environmental Impact

Dangerous Jet Emissions

  • Ultrafine particulate matter (UFP) from jet combustion is considered dangerous to people in close proximity to airports.

  • Dangerous “soot” is deposited all over our community and can compromise lung function and cause other health issues.

Leaded Fuel Poses a Serious Health Risk Especially In Children

  • Annually over 500lbs of lead rains down on Naples’ communities within 2 miles of the airport.

  • Certain propeller planes still burn leaded fuel, which has been banned from cars but is still allowed in planes.

  • The two flight schools based at Naples Airport fly over our communities all day long.

  • There are 8,000 Naples children attending school or daycare within 1.5 miles of the Naples airport. The CDC has said, “No safe blood lead level (BLL) in children has been identified and even low levels of lead in blood can cause developmental delays, difficulty learning, behavioral issues, and neurological damage. The effects of lead poisoning can be permanent and disabling."

The Naples City Council Agrees

The volume of jets and the relentless noise and air pollution over Naples is UNACCEPTABLE.

We cannot uphold our city-wide vision of "protecting the peace and quiet of residential neighborhoods from intrusive activities" with the current level of noise and environmental pollution overhead.

Join The Movement

Together with the support of committed Naples residents and visitors just like you WE ARE ASKING Naples City Council and the Naples Airport Authority to work together to:

  1. Forcefully and assertively pursue all operational and legal pathways to define and commit to a strategy that drastically reduces the number of jet flights at Naples Airport. The volume of jet flights are the root cause of unrelenting noise and pollution.

  2. Ban Stage 3 aircraft – it is the loudest class of jets operating at the Naples Airport.

  3. Immediately relocate flight schools based at Naples Airport and ban all "Touch & Go" training exercises – they are a health and safety risk to Naples residents.

  4. Move flight paths away from populated areas to industrial areas with emergency landing options such as golf courses and I-75.

  5. Conduct a comprehensive environmental study so we can fully understand the risks the airport poses to our health.

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Please share this website with your family, friends and neighbors who are either residents or visitors of the greater Naples community.
Let your voice be heard.

If you would like to get in contact with us to see how you can help the movement, then please email us at

Reduce the Jet Noise Naples is a coalition of Naples residents